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عرض المشاركات من مارس 8, 2015

Google Flights now shows if you’ll have Wi-Fi, power and more

Google Flights, the company’s airline booking tool, has been updated with a new feature that should help make your booking process much easier and, ultimately, your flight much more comfortable. The firm recently partnered with a company named Routehappy to provide additional information on the amenities available on the flights you’re trying to book. That means, when you’re planning a trip and trying to pick the best flight, you’ll also be able to see whether your seat is going to have on-demand video, in-seat and USB power, Wi-Fi, and the average amount of legroom available. A quick search for flights from New York to Los Angeles on Delta showed that I can expect Wi-Fi, power at my seat, about 31-inches of leg-room and on-demand video, for example. The same search also showed me I can expect the same amenities from United on the way home, but that the flight is “often delayed by 30+ minutes.” Think I’ll try another return trip, in that case. Routehappy provides data on flights arou...

Guess the Device: More vintage camera beauty

There was a time in my life when all I cared about was photography, but instead of throwing down money on an expensive digital camera, I chose to make film my primary. I loved film—the quality, even the process of developing—which means I had a pretty respectable collection, mostly thanks to family members passing down their old unused stuff. You already saw one of them . If you’ve been following our videos and Instagram closely, you already know what camera this is. But even still, it’s nice to admire such an older gadget, the quality of its design and durability of its build. With some TLC, this camera would make for an excellent daily driver, though it’s just not quite as convenient as a smartphone or digital camera. Film photography is certainly a dying art, and very under-appreciated even today. With film, you have to be smarter with how you compose your photos, the aperture, shutter speed, ISO, framing, everything. And because you only have a finite amount of shots in a roll, you...

Memorable Movie Tech: Kevin McCallister’s Talkboy

Talkboy was originally supposed to be a dumb movie prop until some genius decided, No, let’s make it for real . So, after Home Alone 2: Lost in New York was released in 1992, a working retail version soon followed. That meant every young nitwit lucky enough to own one was pretending to be someone else and using their dad’s credit card at expensive luxury hotels in New York. My parents never bought me one. Some backstory: The Talkboy was a grotesque nerd trophy, a device mischievous kids used to terrorize and torment their big sisters. And what kid across America didn’t want to inflict mental anguish upon their older sibling? In that sense, it’s easy to see the appeal of the Talkboy. But it was more than that. Not only does it look delightfully futuristic, but it let you record your voice (or someone else’s) for the purpose of bamboozlement. It was the equivalent of performing a Jedi mind trick. The commercial (below) doesn’t lie. But more than just recording a person’s voice, the high...

Jupiter moon may contain ocean that’s 60 miles deep

See full gallery on TechnoBuffalo Among the many different layers of Jupiter moon Ganymede, scientists have determined an underground saltwater ocean lies in wait. The latest find was made by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, which observed subtle shifts in the moon’s aurorae. The find comes on the heels of news that Saturn’s icy moon Enceladus might also have its own subsurface ocean. Ganymede has been suspected of concealing an ocean for decades—scientists first found evidence back in the 1970s—and this latest find confirms year’s worth of intense research. Even back in 2002, NASA’s Galileo mission found evidence to support the agency’s suspicions, though not enough to make a definitive confirmation. Ganymede is our solar system’s largest moon, and the only moon with its own magnetic field, too. Because of these magnetic fields, ribbons of glowing gas (aurorae) are often seen circling the north and south poles of the moon, which are affected by the magnetic field of Jupiter. With th...

Cookie Monster gives a master class in unboxing videos

TechnoBuffalo has been in the unboxing game for years, but it is clear that there is a new master in town, and we are but a learner compared to him. Sesame Street has been doing a lot of fun things on its YouTube channel lately, and one of its latest quickly made its way around the TechnoBuffalo office on Friday. “Sesame Street: Cookie Monster Unboxes a Lunchbox” was all I needed to see to know we were all about to get schooled. Jon Rettinger sent me the link, and the following conversation happened over instant messages shortly after I watched it. Sean P. Aune: I don’t know how to tell you this, Jon … you will never be this good Jonathan Rettinger: dude I agree We are fully willing to learn from this video and take onboard all of the lessons it has to offer us as to how we can improve our unboxing game. The first step? Way more notes from our mommies. Enjoy your weekend folks, and know that we are learning everything we can from Cookie Monster’s unboxing techniques. from Techno...

Check out what’s on Jon’s Android tablet

The great thing about Android is that it never gets boring. You can tailor it exactly to your liking, making it feel completely different from one day to the next. If you get bored easily, it’s exactly the software for you. And it’s a big reason why Jon recently made the switch from his iPad mini to the Nexus 9. In the video above, rather than reminding you how great Android 5.0 Lollipop is, Jon shares the apps, widgets and other tweaks he uses on his device. It might not be the most stylish layout you’ve ever seen, but it’s functional, which is hugely important when running a business. I think that’s something we tend to forget in this continuously evolving mobile market; devices can be fast, attractive and sport huge batteries. But if they’re not functional and helpful for your every day life, what’s the point? That’s the kind of approach Jon takes with tablets in general, and especially with one he uses on a daily basis. The layout of an Android device is always evolving and takin...

Sprint says it will pay all of your costs to switch to its network

T-Mobile’s Un-carrier moves are having lasting effects on the industry. T-Mobile originally tried to attract consumers by offering to pay off early termination fees (ETFs) that were otherwise keeping consumers handcuffed to its competitors. Sprint and AT&T responded offering similar deals, and now the former is back with an even better offer. The carrier announced on Friday that it’s now willing to pay whatever you owe to another carrier if you’re willing to switch. Sprint said it is “reimbursing all of the costs to switch, including early termination fees and remaining payments on phone installment plans – no matter what is owed.” That’s pretty compelling, especially if you’re locked into a plan and a device that no longer serve your needs. Sprint said you need to bring your device, your early termination fee and the remaining balance on any phone installment plans when you’r ready to make the move. You’ll also need to sign up for a Sprint Easy Pay, iPhone for Life Plan, a Sprin...

Google shows how Lollipop apps can easily work with Android Wear, Android Auto

See full gallery on TechnoBuffalo Google recently released a new barebones application that’s meant to show developers a reference to how easy it can be to develop an Android application that can run on any machine built for Google’s operating system, whether it’s a wearable on your wrist or an entertainment system in your car. It’s called the “Universal Music Player,” and the code is available for developers. It’s not made for consumers, but the idea behind it is actually pretty cool. It’s a single reference application that can run on anything powered by Android, including smartphones and tablets, Android Wear, Google Cast devices, Android Auto and more. A blog post revealing the application shows how a user might control music from the lockscreen or through the app on his or her Android smartphone, and how those controls translate easily over to Android Auto and Android Wear, with little additional effort on the development end. “This sample uses a number of new features in Andro...